Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I read somewhere it was brought upon by western society then brought towards the east.
Which now the east are worse for because of our influence

What happens if you Use king crimson before commiting sin


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i could also point out that the BIble, while not directly aphobic, is largely responsible for aphobia, since it presents all kinds of sexual desire as being sinful, and inherrently biases people against anybody who doesn’t feel sexual desire through a kind of fucked up jealousy that defaults to doubt

but i won’t because honestly aphobia is also because straight people are weird generally

i mean
they invented romcoms
any majority group that invents romcoms is beyond actual understanding :^)

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The one true sin.

Seriously, I’ve ran out of likes but I wish I could like every post of yours.


Ever seen the results of sex outside marriage? They aren’t pretty. Almost as though whoever came up with that law wants us to be happy and avoid such fruits.

trust me when I say that I do agree with you about how fucked up modern society’s attitude to sex is
unfortunately back when you fuckers were in charge it was worwe

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oh also that argument doesn’t meet any burden of proof for me to need to respond to it, by the way
it’s logically incoherent

Ever heard of sexually transmitted diseases? They would be unheard of if people only had sex in marriage.

And yes only between a man and a woman does a marriage count.

Have you ever heard of something called a… coincidence? Or even better, of a thing called safe sex?


cool you’re a homophobe


Oh wow… I thought you were talking about unwanted children. Not the entirely preventable things that modern medicines allow us thanks to research


Reminder that this is a PG-13 forum.


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Marriages just don’t count at all. They’re a total scam.

So let me get this straight. I’m the bad guy for pointing out that marriage is between a man and a woman. It is done to propagate the next generation and the best environment for a child is with a mum and dad.

No one is going to convince me that man-man and woman-woman is marriage. It isn’t.

Trust me, you’re clearly straight on your points.

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