Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


Hey I still got that fat 10 on my english exam :^)
Which you probably couldn’t tell because my english is potato

to be fair I’m that kid that sleep in class but actually has decent grades


i transferred schools in 6th grade because i got bullied by a 70 year old teacher. people are ass. but, we’re hella strong. go us. go you

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long story short

teacher checks wrists now

not because of me, but because some dumbass got caight before me

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i honestly think i was one life decision away from being about as big of a nerd as arete

instead i ended up being a mix of a troublemaker and a nerd

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only on problem students

so like me and 2 other ppl

but she makes us pull down hoodie sleeves now

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no it’s not

I was going to compare it to some leafy non-potato vegetable but I don’t think that comparison actually makes sense

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Okay did did your classmate have a shirt printed that had the periodic table upside down so he could look down and get the answer

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imagine not having a uniform in high school

Stop being so sweet and allowing us to waste your time :newspaper_roll:

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yeah but when i read that i don’t think “writing answers on your wrists”

which is probably a bad sign


Okay good im not crazy

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bold of you to assume i don’t have every element recognised

easiest 218 on a science test of my life

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the most confusing part about this is the part where the shirt had to be printed upside-down for this to work




but i did just talk about writing answers on my wrists so y’all just suck at context


Periodic table ez

i have a funny story about a periodic table quiz

there was a periodic table poster in the room, i saw this, and then didn’t take the quiz because i determined it to be dumb

i told the teacher it was a waste of time to quiz me on something that exists in the room and they told me that i was supposed to look at the poster???

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