Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

pew pew is a valid reason

kat went to water type gyms with fire type pokemon

but in reality they really just drowned in a swimming pool holding a charmander figurine

I just realized

swimming pools are water gyms

hey you got close

hey that was my first life lost

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okay but to be fair Ash is like

really bad

at Pokèmon battles

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anyway good night

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Access denied.

This is Brock saying this

why does he even try at this point

I feel like ans is somewhere between 17 and like 25

but that’s the best grasp i have on his age

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very specific

you’re correct though

i think

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he sounds older than 25 to me

yeah but nobody would ever say that about me

and here i am, being older than 25

you feel like ur 17 or some shit

thats how old I thought u were

how do you do, fellow kids?

people’s perceptions of my age vary wildly largely depending on whether they met me before I stopped capitalizing my sentences

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My days of being a kid were long ago.

I feel like you’ve told me your age but I don’t even remember it, but if I type like this do I read as being older than 17? :eyes: