Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Attack I tend to play Thatcher/Thermite/Hibana, if we don’t need them I generally flex onto Zofia/Capitão

On Defense I gravitate towards Valkyrie/Kaid/Bandit/Rook/Lesion, with Kapkan being a fun niche pick

malicious laughter
you cannot hurt me
I use light mode!
all the time! at night and in the morning!


nothing in the Global Forum Rules forbids posting yellow squares

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fuck we play surprisingly similar roles i can’t shittalk you

i mean uh

im actually an ash/jager main :sunglasses:

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Thats like 70% of ppl here

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how you like bein 2/2

oh, okay


Bandit best boy

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this forum’s average user is like 17 years old

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also who says im not 43 and tryna kidnap y’all :eyes:

Interesting logic but okay

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that’s a yellow rectangle



Well the likes of you guys I know you’re not trolls. The unknown ones who are under 18 are the ones I assume to be trolls until proven otherwise.

We already determined that Arete is the serial killer

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i havent played in a while

but it wouldn’t change how i play jager either way

i don’t play him often but i play more of a soft roamer when i roam

and i do that with 2/2s all the time

no I’m a Sporadic Killer smh

didn’t you read my class card

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You do realize who you were talking to right

Wait you also play R6?

Dang we need to squad up sometime

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18 really should not be the margin you use for that.
like intelligent thought doesnt manifest at 18. id say 15-16 (for the US folks, people that are past freshman grade in highschool) should be given cautious approval, unless they particularly show that they’re not a troll or are a troll.
like thats the middling point i think.

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Emilia is like this site’s peak troll