Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I don’t exactly try to hide it.

it’s okay
we’re all clowns


i mean it wasn’t in the way you spoke
i had just heard about you still being in HS multiple times before

im 20
will be 20 1/2 in a week and a half

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I thought Ici was ~my age until I found out he was in high school

Oh so my guess wasn’t that far off. I thought you were around 21 too.

I’m 47

technically i’m in the pre-university Big Boy™ phase of high school where the rules basically don’t exist

about every rule at my current school has an exception for people in their Sixth Form

ah but you see, I’m an American, therefore I will automatically fail to adequately account for the existence of such a phase even though it’s highly relevant! :upside_down_face:

i’m not joking about the rules basically not existing
the final day of school before lockdown was spent playing Mariokart, except i’m pretty sure that they set up the Wii so quickly that they’ve absolutely done it before

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by the way my upperclassmen suck at Mariokart
i feel that should be noted

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i just really think somebody’s skill at mariokart is the most important thing to know about them???


if every student in highschool staged a revolt, the school would be overrun in minutes

true but we’re basically a middle class used as the assistants of every single teache- we’re being told to spy on our fellow man again god dammit

if i recall correctly
if large characters (such as bowser) ram smaller characters, they stun them

it’s not an actual stun but yes, weight is an important stat

800 or so people between the ages of 13-18
some are probably armed
lots are athletes

It simply knocks you to the side with such strength that it neutralises all of your speed. It’s your one weapon when you’re without a useful powerup.

we all know there’s that one guy who brings a weapon to highschool just for the sake of having a weapon