Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

would be nice but nah

we doin too much at once

its either this or no cookie at all - and we move to discord

i think we can live with refreshing, as annoying as it is

i can name almost all of the countries on a world map
solid 90%

if you want to not overload the server, don’t use the forum like we use it rn… as kind of real time chat

It is, okay.

Please no.


i only know like, 7 countries in africa though
sorry africa

i will miss my quoting and (near) infinite likes


The forums just feel right.


Wit-Rusland is Dutch for Belarus :slight_smile:

italy is currently reforming the roman empire while UK, the former #1 great power got fucking destroyed

I know 37 I think?

thats cuz most of them dont exist in hoi4

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emilia gets it

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Not to mention that a lot of people (understandably) don’t want to join the discord.

@Italy Italy declared war on Spain lmaoo.

Never knew that.

we could move off-topic to the unofficial FoL discord

the two front war

As someone who plays EU4.


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