Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Wait, you sleep?
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CowoWOwOWoWowomuwuWUwUWuWnity GuwuWUwUWuWuwoide.

What have you done?

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Also I could host a ToS Turbo but it definitely wouldn’t be 19 Players.

only when nobodys looking

burn it

I could make it longer.

Priestess is online, hide!

Throwback to when you saved him from my N1 bomb.
At least BD still lost.

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A Sorcerer detonated a Walking Bomb inside of you

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throwback to when i won n2 and CCed prince

you should queue ans-chan :wink:

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She’ll never suspect it’s me with how inconspicious my name is!
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While I got two real Physicians executed and killed the Prince myself.
With Cult attacking me twice.

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I’m not going to queue after barely 6 hours of sleep.

its okay you’re probably thinking more clearly than i am :eyes:

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Wait why did Arete like this and then unlike it?

The only thoughts in my mind are that of inevitable murder of the people who live above me.
So doubtful. Go to bed.

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you first

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Wait nevermind, just had to reload.
Hey Arete, remember when I said I was 19?

didn’t you say you were 18?