Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

There has been no game where the Lying Darkness existed in

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Go to bed so you don’t have to suffer like I do.

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I’m not sure what you’re talking about

you are most likely a young or medium arete right now

Is this where I post the pasta again.

no now I’m a Current Arete

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what about now

still a Current Arete

what about when you read this post in comparison to when you hit enter to your response to this post

Also Geyde, are there any plans to do anything with the Cult at all.
I’m not accepting “remove it” as an answer.

Current Arete extends back like two years

change its spawnrate to 0%

but you weren’t the arete who is reading this 2 years ago

and you won’t ever be this exact arete again

or this one

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There once was a game

Twelve people claimed
They all died

The end

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We have made changes
I don’t think there are problems with it

I feel like after MM’s recent buffs the gap is going to be even wider. To be honest I don’t even understand why MM specifically received these buffs to begin with, but as I said before I’m incompetent so you don’t have to explain.
Unless there are newer changes that I missed.

There’s Arete lore?

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okay I thought of a Medium Arete story (paging @Jane)

it’s not very good because none of the things in the intersection of ‘Medium Arete stories’ and ‘things I’m comfortable sharing publicly’ are particularly interesting

in seventh grade I was part of the school newspaper for … reasons probably? I thought it sounded fun? I guess?

anyways for some reason we decided that having me do the advice column was a good idea

except we couldn’t actually get anyone to send us in actual questions, so I was just making up fake problems for people and then giving them advice

also the parent advisor for the club changed some of my advice answers without telling me she was doing so

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what was the advice

We gave CL one shot role swap with fellow cult
In my book it’s really strong
We haven’t had any data to work with to determine if it’s enough