Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

but my bpm is like


presto mothafucka

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time to raise my APM

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Good luck, nerd.

lets shoot for a new high score!

also my APM is totally higher than yours :^)

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im number one!


sniper! dont get caught!

happy halloween!

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Happy Halloween katze!! What are you dressing up as this year?


arete liked this but doesnt even get the reference

i love arete


im dressing up as napoleon dynamite

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hey wait a minute

Chloe has already outdone you, then :^)

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Also I shouldn’t have you told about the thing I’m working on because now I can’t concentrate anymore.

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close chrome

turn on some tunes
you got this

You lost me when you assumed that I use the most inferior browser in existence.

okay yeah you’re disowned

I use Chrome

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I’m sorry Arete, but in this situation your tastes are objectively terrible.
Convert to Firefox.