Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

We found out katze’s real name, ladies and gentlemen! This totally wasn’t just a typo!

state forced food pills

hot take: 95% of the reason people say they’re so passionate about food is because hunger is so universal.
if food pills were easy, tasteless, and/or automated (and people didnt have preconceived notions of food) almost nobody would make stuff like that and it would become super expensive

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Alright, can someone give me the most recent useful thing that they have learned from their previous FM game.

INB4 when Chloe’s real name is Chleb

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well obviously

it’d be a luxury to eat “real” food if food pills were big

with that said

eating food is nice


the good sensations from food are not just hunger related

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Tasty food is biologically pleasurable to consume and that’s unavoidable
But I agree with Ans that I would prefer to never have to eat.



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fuck you too, forum


how could you pack enough nutrition in a single pill for it to count as a meal

You’d need to eat like 30 pills


there are definitely foods that I find tasty, but like, the main benefit of that is that it’s easier to make myself eat (something which is necessary for survival) if I have generally positive feelings about what I’m eating

well one, nobody would make it, and 2, almost nobody would care is the thing

you say that but i disagree. thats what i mean by that. if hunger werent a thing almost nobody would care about food

posting good.

posting too much bad.

Its a useless human instinct that should be eradicated.
Change my mind.

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there’s the chewing
there’s the taste
there’s the glory of fulfillment

what is wrong with you people

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By what metric

last time i downed 30 pills the doctors told me “oh, that’s too many”


this is a joke (in probably very poor taste)
