Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Something that you did not realize previously but will use in your future games.

Food pills would save like 1 hour a day you can spend time playing games instead

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yeah but all that is only so good because we’re hungry.
if i was just never hungry (not as in always eating, i mean just never having a biological need/want for food) i doubt i would care about food that much


it’s a biological function designed to bring pleasure to people as a survival mechanism. That doesn’t change that my taste buds like food.

Time to recommend Food Wars.

while taking away anywhere from 5% to 95% of your daily enjoyment, depending on the person

having a mystic with a vig and tracking ability, 3 people with gossip, 3 exhumes, 2 scouts, 2 magical barriers, a merc with 2 BD targets, and a deadtalker

might not make for a balanced setup


You mean chopped or cutthroat kitchen
Or cupcake wars

I like eating even if I’m not hungry tho

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want one in pooerer taste?

last time I downed 30 pills bill cosby was just like “alright only 5 more”

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can i bind f5 to lmb for easy refresh every 2 seconds

that’s you
and there’s me who finds joy in taste and chewing like normal human beings

okay but you can eat while playing games




Food wars plot good (until a certain point).

Rest bad.

its a behavioral thing, but its also psychological. theres a biological response whenever you eat but by that being repeated so often people make eating even better by association with that response.
if someone grew up with having the need for food, but having a subdermal implant or somethn that made it so they just were never hungry and nothing else changed, sure eating would be a nice activity, but they wouldnt praise foods like you or i would


except i do that too. i just think that if i could not be hungry i would stop caring about it

There is a google extension specifically designed to auto-refresh, if that’d help?

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simon your argument is invalidated by like… all evidence

there are so many things people consume not for hunger/thirst, but for taste/effects

in your world, people wouldn’t do shit like drink alcohol or eat candy or like eat anything but what’s healthy