Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Bald boomer is that you.


ive mainly linked things from The Great War
might have to dip into Last Stand






thought they were the same video lmao

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Next person to post is a boomer

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at least you use light theme

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Light theme users unite.


he’s held against his will

and you encourage it


pick any album, they’re all good

im sorry i cant hear you over sabaton

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I have previously expressed my disgust at having to use light theme

it is my only way for the continued usage of this site

great war is only album ive listened to start from finish
only listened to a bit of Last Stand

thank you.

Don’t worry, you’ll learn to enjoy it with time.
Just relent and accept the inevitable. It will be easier that way.

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aslo iirc they have a series where they explain the history behind their songs

sounds like we are in a cult

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Are we not?

i think most of their albums have a respective commentary album

i don’t care much for history but they’re interesting as hell

and also metal

and swedes