Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

it does allow other people from other time zones if we did 12 hours

but again

this is what pre-signs can become

allow up to one third of the total playerlist to pre in 24 hours before, with a whitelist rather than a blacklist, but the whitelist is basically just all the regulars

The 1/3 thing actually works?

I think)

as in, in a 16 player game, 5/6 people total could sign up early with this method

fuck sake I was taking my medicine while talking here and now I’m not sure if I actually took a pill, took two, or took none

we will see when I don’t fall asleep

Because I think it’s unable to be backed up by statistics due to fm not having a specifically high focus on recording that information
Ergo it would require assumptions based on people’s behaviors

If you make pre signups like this
Then why not just make games open 12 hours earlier

Did you know airlines overbooked because they expected some people not to show up


That’s what your suggestion practically suggests

aren’t pre-signs ups now this

That’s what the whole idea of pre /ins is basically!

why would we prioritize regulars instead of new players

i mean. no real reason. also its only a slight priority.
if you want it to be even lower just make it like 1/4 or like 1/5

If ONE game fills before signups posted I can guarantee you it’s going to happen again because people will be scared a game fills before the signups are posted

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yes but this case doesn’t work since you have to pay for airlines and you also have to be physically present for them
you can be pretty much anywhere and play fm

Pre signs and signups re the same thing but dressed differently and come with the same problems

but the 1/3 pre-in is the main thing. its just to set a precedent for pre-ins so hosts can say “oh, i would love to let you all join now, but i actually cannot do that” if too many people are trying to do that

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bank runs?
sign up runs