Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Also why are we even arguing this
We agree with the same point that host discretion is important

We are now arguing whether hosts listening to me or you is a better idea

oh come on

hosts dont have to listen to anyone regarding this

its their decision


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Nobody gets off FK’s wild ride

we are arguing to allow them to make an informed decision…

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Our petty arguing isn’t entirely pointless
It’s only mostly pointless

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We personally let two people pre-in for Randomizer a few days beforehand, as one would not be available during signups (but showed interest weeks before), and one physically could not type on the forums during signups

Then we said fuck it because people were really interested in the game and had been for a while. Some people wanted to pre-in, and we knew they woulda inned anyways so why not let em in a day or so early


moral of the story is
you cant trust the system


what would you have done if your game filled with pre-ins

this is where i say banana

This means that pre-ins good because they allowed players that otherwise might get screwed over by irl to join

where does banana come from


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it wouldnt have. most people like reading or getting a basic understanding of the setup before joining

but if it filled with pre-ins then it filled with pre-ins
just means people were interested in the idea from the get-go
we understood that could have theoretically happened, when we allowed for pre-ins, but knew it was very very very very very very unlikely

pics or didn’t happen

You would have ran with the pre-in signups?

we could also just do it this way

instead of allowing everyone

we would have stilled opened signups for specs, backups, vcbots, and people to out if need be

but like
we knew it wouldnt fill with pre-ins
thats bonkers
we dont have the playerbase for that, really
