Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Better than getting bracers from weekly cache 4 weeks in a row.

I see I now know nothing about this topic, so off to get some schoolwork done

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i like siege of boralus but it has some bosses with high wipe factor


Wait what, they actually removed the attunements?

we wiped on trash :joy_cat:

we also wiped on trash in waycrest manor because the tank kinda left us with the trash

fuckin demon hunter tanks just NYOOMING forward and then complaining we can’t keep up / are not healing him / are dying to all the shit they pulled

370 sounds pretty good though, guess it isn’t.

Waycrest packs can be hell to manage.
The narrow corridors with maggots are hell, the yard before Soulbound boss is a disaster if not managed properly (especially the miniboss), packs in the cellar before Lady/Lord Waycrest is tough as well, and the trash after them is really annoying.
I feel you. But at least its a perfect place for full AoE builds.

the goddamn maggots
also i peaked at 150k dps there on the maggots so i’d say i’m doing pretty well for a first-time mythic dungeoneer

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a friend posted the dps meter at the end of the dungeon so i have evidence

windwalker has amazing multitarget
worse singletarget

370 is like pre-raid ilvl. I’m not even full HC and my ilvl is:

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I have no idea what any of this means.
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These are the highest ilvls in game currently:

yeah i’m almost at 440 rn
might start raiding soon-ish

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also why does everybody play demon hunter
where are the other classes

If you don’t have a guild I could run you through HC pugs, I guess.
Since I have curve and decent ilvl I could get you into any run easily, though that doesn’t guarantee success for obvious reasons. But the first 3 bosses on HC would 100% die.

Short answer: DH is OP and has way too many utility abilities in its toolkit. Also, its melee.