Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

It’s on my list (on Netflix) to watch during summer vacation.

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at this point 4chan isn’t even a website any more

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Oh, okay then.

I tried Googling it to find out but it wants me to make an account

4chan is just a collation of primal screams strapped to each other

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Long story short. A few years ago reddit cleaned its own house and started banning white nationalist and jailbait subs alongside some fringe content such as bestiality around that time Voat, a reddit clone, appeared, this caused basically all people from those subs to migrate to that site. So Voat is basically a smaller reddit except a fair chunk of users are either racists or pedos.


…Gosh. That’s … certainly a thing.


When your site gets its own verge article

Well, that tells you just about everything you need to know

hot take
instagram in terms of the actual effect on the world is better than reddit

my mom posts cat pictures on her Instagram, therefore this take seems reasonable

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‘Arete why does your mom have an Instagram’

…it makes sense in-context

Is that because she is a cat?

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I don’t get the appeal of Instagram. Or Snapchat. Or anything similar to those.

it’s because she’s an author and she recently had a YA novel come out, and her publisher was like ‘you should get on Social Media to Connect With Teenagers. here are some Social Media sites’ and she was like ‘…Instagram is pictures? okay I can do pictures’

Tbh, my main gripe with reddit is probably how echo-chamber-y the subs are.

Like, posting anything that’s critical of Sanders on /r/politics or anything that’s pro-any unpopular MMORPG in /r/MMORPG and the like and no matter how well-written it was, you’re gonna get downvoted.


(it being cat pictures also makes sense in context but if I elaborate further it’ll be too easy to connect to my exact real-world identity)

reddit’s problem is that it kills debate even worse than twitter because opinions can only be expressed in self-moderated spaces, and right-wingers won’t leave their safe spaces and left wingers won’t realistically leave theirs

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tell me about it
i can’t tell you the cutest story about smol ici because it would expose my first name

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