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Is Cats a novel?

that makes a lot of sense

I mostly haven’t spend much time on Reddit apart from the subreddit for a particular small and niche fandom (which was fine) and the college applications subreddit, back when I was in senior year (which was filled with a bunch of people being like ‘I only have a 4.7 weighted GPA and one national award, am I going to get rejected from everywhere???’)

In my senior year of High School I used to browse College Confidential, so yeah.

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so like there will be white supremacists and communists basically sitting right next to each other, but they only interact with each other by invading and being banned from the other’s safe spaces

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okay but can we all agree that the best part of reddit is the ludicrous amount of cat subreddits?


This was basically College Confidential but with slightly more meta-posts about how people need to stop making ‘I have only a 4.7 weighted GPA’ posts

i mean r/chonkers gives them all a bad name
what with the whole “malnourishing cats and overfeeding them for upvotes” thing



haha look at my chonk!!!

i cant argue with that though

/r/dechonkers is a thing that exists though

id like to imagine most of the cats there are post-cat-owner-epiphany at least

I used it when it comes to LGBT issues, Danganronpa fandom, US politics in general, and MMORPG talk. Not much else. BoLA’s also a good but obscure sub to waste time.

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There are way more cat subs than r/chonkers, tho.

my experience with Reddit LGBT+ subreddits was that any given subreddit would basically have the same five posts over and over, just with slightly different personal details

admittedly it’s possible I just didn’t stick around long enough

yes but i mean
it’s pretty fucking massive

is r/politics really that progressive?
im a socialist, perhaps i should subscribe to that sub

look reddit forms itself naturally into echo chambers in a way that’s even worse than twitter
there’s slightly more nuance than twitter but that nuance has almost no effect


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carry on :eyes:

it’s insane how progressive r/poltiics is

Sailor showed me a cool lgbt subreddit
