Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I am actually interested in hearing the answer to this

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is it bad I can’t really think of a best game

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Don’t make me go and find one for you.

Also, iirc your reads in Ritual were actually good but you didn’t go through pushing them. Did you just feel like you couldn’t convince others or you weren’t really sure about them?


My reads are usually pretty good but I’m never confident enough to push them

I’m biased but I thought your scumplay in PMMM FM was good

To be honest if I hadn’t pocketed you in the beginning I’d probably have crumpled around d2 or 3

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U know mine

I do hope you find some confidence because like I said, I think you are rather good.
Also I don’t think I’ve ever seen your scum games and that needs to be fixed.

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actually wait

I forgot about this one earlier because it doesn’t fit neatly into ‘wolf games’ and ‘village games’ but Anime FM was pretty obviously one of the best games I’ve ever played

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My scumgames usually go like this:

Is Arete in the game? If yes, pocket, and victory

If no, get Arete in the game, pocket, and victory


The holy grail of scum plays.


update: Jane was not lying earlier :upside_down_face:


The game I am the most proud and most enjoyable was Fol 20. I replaced in on D3 into a scummy MM slot (which I had scumread before replacing in). I got immediately asked to confirm that I am claiming a specific class. Despite reading most of the game, and rereading a lot after I got asked, I had not seen that my predecessor had claimed indeed already (he didn’t leave anything in his chat nor in scumchat, and my scumpartner wasn’t helpful either).
Of course I didn’t claim the right, but I managed to FPS myself into an “Alch claim who claims that he visited a dead person” … since I was the “only healer” this kept me alive for a long time, especially since I was the “last hope for the bleeding prince”. In short: I bled the prince, converted my beloved Ezreal to Aristocrat, used Distraction on the Prince on the next day (but I quickhammered via doublevote which is why there wouldn’t have been a jail anyways :joy:) and protected my Assa and my Aristocrat. Next day we won by using doublevote again. Socially I was playing my favorite role, the “late non-beneficial neut claim who we can’t kill because we are searching for the real evils”

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:eyes: Why would I lie?

Also, about what?

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Oh, the like.

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my best town game was probably one off site that FK would get mad at me for mentioning


Spill the beans.

I don’t think I have a town game that I’d actually call good.

I don’t really think I’ve had a good game in a while