Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


it’s sad because it’s been about a year since it happened and haven’t beaten the play I did in it yet

My best town game was probably Mountainous 15 :thinking: or Looming Threat, but we don’t talk about that one

I wish you played more often but iirc you mostly play off-site, right?

That sounds like perfect motivation to try and improve to me, especially since you have a solid foundation already.

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I can name worst games I’ve had:
OPMash as town and garbage mafia as scum (it was canned though).

My best neut game was…
okay for real I was never ever neutral on this site…

I play on MU more often.

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Yeah, I thought as much. Need to go and dig through your games some time because I’m very curious to see them.
Although nothing beats spectating in real time.

I managed to get townread, and distanced a little from my partner without actually putting them in danger.

I tried to help kat and was also trying to figure out the rolelist.

Then we converted Arete and they did the rest.

I’m not good at writing stories.
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what about playing in real time

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spectating is less stressful and way more fun
nothing can beat that ^^

Good joke Arete.


you are unaware of the flow chart

Best as scum - probably the most recent one I had - Bloodbath at Dawn (I don’t think it was that good, but it was good enough to get a win).
Best as town - no idea. Maybe ITA Death Mash where I got that “runner-up MVP” nonsense (but I was villagery at least). I only got a lot of points there because I won 3 additional ITA shots in the event and unleashed all of them on a wolf.


I recall the thought process for all of them being minimal, though.

Nothing is stopping you from posting it Ami.
Enlighten me.

Throne Mash was decent and I pocketed people, but it was multiball.

Wait, you don’t know about the flowchart?

There’s a chance I’ve seen it before but didn’t regard it as something ‘special’ so.

pretty sure the person under reference doesn’t like it being spread around