Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


You are correct.

Anonymous Petrology was a good town game I had.
But it had hella townsided setup.

I started out the massclaim at the right time which shifted the game into town favor massively.

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Can I have a flowchart made for me? That’d be pretty gamer.

Ur a nice guy and were a really cool co-host
I might consider playing in MU games you play in in the future because of that

It’s a matter of quality of meme. Good meme good kat

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scum game

my best scumgame so far is probably PMMM because I was actually somewhat competent there and didn’t fall apart D2, I don’t really think I’ve had a great scumgame but I think I’m getting better so maybe soon

town game

my best towngame so far was where I was a day desperado, I basically scumread all the scum and only scum D3, but the problem was most people didn’t agree with me/wanted to lynch someone else. I basically pushed them all day and it ended up that one of the people I scumread was being voted up while the other everyone was townreading even though they were decently scummy, so around EOD I hammered the person being voted up and shot the other scum in the same post. It was pretty great but I was freaking out the whole time and everyone was yelling at me.


Quick question. In fol, where would you put your non-outted prince read?
Into the null pile, right?

@Alice are you here


if so, why do you have an alt on MU

uh probably

maybe light town

okay then, nevermind please tell me when you are here

What alt?

SDRA2 one?

I mean, I used to say they’re “obvious town for reasons I cannot say” or something of that nature.

That was bad play, though.

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You can’t tell me that the player is not you when they are from danganropa

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If FK figured it out, I guess I was right?

it would depend on the circumstances/why I was reading them as Prince/etc.

one thing I’ve done a couple times is say ‘I think I saw someone softing a greencheck on them’

pkr isn’t a little bitch lol