Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

“i’m not that weird”

adds multiplication signs between all the numbers and circles the entire thing

weirdness level 39916800 :^)

I think he’s closer to 5 to be honest. Ici isn’t that weird, he’s interesting.
How would you rate yourself.

see the fun thing about forgetting all standards of grammar beyond occasional capitalisation for Indicative Purposes is that everything you say sounds sarcastic so you can say a lot of faintly disconcerting weird things and nobody will be able to tell if you’re actually like that




I mean, I remember to use grammar when I’m writing things that I intend people who have actually seen my face to see, but still


(if this breaks forum rules tell me)

but it is relevant

marshal to be clear
when I say something about my past, I am generally telling the truth, but my intentions will remain unclear because of [Humourous Excuse]


for example I really did name my childhood stuffed bear as Bear

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however I do not have my life goal as “befriend an eldritch abomination”. that is merely something that, if it was possible, I would just happen to do


im a 3 on the weird scale ngl

To be fair having an eldritch abomination as your ally would be pretty nice.

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I think the nerd has gone to sleep, what do we do now?

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be happy for said nerd’s health


i’m still waiting for eevee to actually begin reviewing my setup
i’m tempted to request a new reviwer but i don’t want to risk the setup not filling
can we get an F

shhh the nerd might still be stalking us on their phone

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cool online game if we ever wanna do something that’s not skribbl/jb


can confirm that fake artist is a good game

don’t ping me pls