Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Anstreim, Tan, Tele, Chloe?

this is not a comment on the merits of any of these ships (or the merits of other ships), it’s just my best guess as to who you would ship me with

lots of <filler> probably

I meant actual hidden messages, nerd.

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Ships are for dorks


i forgot one of those existed



okay so his first move was, when searching up Whoose Line Is It Anyway? to watch last night, to instead of going into the only app it can be accessed on for free and just clicking the “watch next episdoe” button on it, to go into the universal search function on the TV OS, and exhaustively type out the name of the entire programme, even when it came up as a suggestion. At that point, he had to scroll 5 options to the left to find the first free option for that programme, which then brought him to a screen where he finally selected it, sending us into a loading screen that loaded into the app, and then we had to modify the settings to turn on subtitles.

Okay, so you can search for hidden text. Good to know.

as you can see i’m going to have to try hard to match that level of passive-agressive inefficiency


pretty sure based on everything you’ve ever said that you forgot about Tele and don’t ship me with Chloe

I’m pretty sure of at least one of the remaining people

no clue on the last one

How do you forget Vulgard…
Wait, you arent Chloe…

would you laugh if i told you it wasn’t tele i forgot

I mean to be fair Vul seems like a likely candidate for one of the missing two just on the grounds that he and I have ever expressed any sort of positive sentiment about each other publicly

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Why does this sound like a creative method of torture.
And why am I trying to come up with a way to possibly outdo this.

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I would be mildly amused but probably wouldn’t actually laugh

You forgot Tan

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see the thing is that we’re both nerds for absolute effiency, but it seems I mocked him for being slower than me at quickly navigating menus one too many times, and now I have to figure out how to get back at him in a creative enough manner that we can go back to doing things in an efficient manner.

How much stronger than us, mere mortals, are mods?

600% if they are Chloe