Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

AAAAAA it was a joke because of their hydra name.

cmon theres like 4 people id ship arete with before marshal

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It is a vicious cycle that never stops, I’m afraid.
Suffering forever, as if we are in some kind of purgatory.

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I really don’t want to make a big deal about the age thing but it’s super relevant here! I’m not attracted to 15-year-olds, he’s literally a freshman in high school

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you know the internet has made me afraid of ever having any kind of adverse relationship with anybody because it might become Enemies to Friends to Lovers and according to the fact that fanfiction perfectly represents reality there’ll be nothing I can do about it.

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AAAAAA I said it was a joke nerd.

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Ici for your own sake, don’t take it at face value.
But I perfectly understand your wariness of relationships. The only kind of relationship that is acceptable is mortal enemies.

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Yes I know you were sarcastic.

Did I make myself finally unshippable? Thank god
last time I got shipped with Wazza, and shipping a minor against his explicit will is bad

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Want to be Mortal enemies, Anstreim?

who says you’re not one of those 4 people?


Am I one of those 2 people?

who are the four people

indeed. as an example, my father has started doing things in a deliberately inefficent manner in order to try, and I quote, “to ensure that our characterisation is different enough that other people can tell us apart” .

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Actually, 1 people. I can imagine who 3 of them are.

so naturally my response has been to start “characterising myself differently” by doing things in an even more obnoxiously innefficient manner,

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thats a trademark secret, arete. but you can probably guess all 4?

Would you be willing to provide examples? I’m intrigued.

I wonder how many hidden messages in < > these things I’ve missed.