Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


You mean the hidden text everyone can see cuz its not that hidden? :wink:

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I know, but it’s like an easter egg for who finds one.

you don’t need to be a mod


any suggestions as to how I should hide the series of notes that I’m using to send my father on a wild goose chase?

Swallow and regurgitate

Hide on in the goose he’s chasing.

good grief no
i want this to happen automatically, with my only interaction with them being from the notes
however, moving things around while they are in other rooms is perfectly acceptable

i mean
the definition of a wild goose chase colloqiually is that there is no goose

I know, nerd.

If mods can see hidden text they would definitely know about the thing which I guess isn’t that bad, so whatever.

Especially since aroot reads literally every single message in the cookie thread.

time to check for hidden text in literally every message you’ve ever posted

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Good luck.

Regardless of whether or not mods can see hidden text

I would not suggest putting any identifying information in hidden text - or anything you would not share normally. Hidden text is visible by everyone - treat it no differently than you would a regular post

(Just use it for filler. I tend to just spam random characters)

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Nah, it’s not identifying information, dw.

okay i checked 2 and gave up

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