Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Oh, you actually nailed it.

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naturally invisible

tell me more about high school chloe from a kyo perspective

gimme assumptions

87% chance that you’re so terribly forgetful that you actually shot yourself because you forgot to dayvig

I like that term.
I think I will take it :^)

You were a ‘mean’ girl but respected the teachers, chloe

kyo doesn’t even know i exist anymore

send all of the katze assumptions


im sorry if i come across as mean to anyone. aaaa

i dont think i was a mean girl? i tried really hard not to be - but im sure i hurt some feelings sometimes
i very much respect teachers though

I’m aware you exist
You seem like the type of boy that was either good at sports but not really in a friend group or someone who went to the library not to read but for computers

they’re gonna give scal a new sprite

you got multiple lectures about how you Weren’t Living Up To Your Potential

How about we make assumptions about Kyo now :eyes:

my parents still give me these

i got a couple from teachers tho :eyes:


No, this isn’t entirely of what you are now
I can just tell from what you are now what experience might’ve led you to become the type of person you are

they’re giving supreme calamitas
a new sprite

I’d like to see these

yes, experiences have absolutely shaped me

but it was less of things i did to others and more of things that were done to me
this is getting deep

You take upon a very motherly role, I can tell
But I don’t know why that is and I don’t think you’d want me to know either

did i just hear something