Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

It’s actually almost more like an older sister role, really

maybe chloe will care more

they’re giving supreme calamitas
a new sprite

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you like to eat food

Oh Geyde can I assume things about you

i just think everyone needs someone who appreciates them

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I agree, sometimes that’s hard to find

Yeah sure

i recall someone saying that she was getting a human form sprite, and this was the closest i could find

Geyde you are the type of high school boy while your classmates are out smoking and getting drunk you are playing your new SNES or whatever you had with your friends

I feel like you are that one person on the sidelines who mostly hangs around with a close group of friends.
And you are probably a voice of reason in that group, but you aren’t overly serious.
You definitely excel at subjects that you enjoy though, and they come easily to you.

Also you can be a huge memer and make actually good jokes.

but is she still british

she is definitely still british

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they can do whatever they want then

they better not change that tho


Were you a loner

just remember that devourer of gods is canonically the most powerful
or at least on par with yharim

geyde is a freakin NURD

geyde gets bitches

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