Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


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i think youre a class clown (in a good way)

youre entertaining and you do many things for the reactions of others

0:17 is grief
3:28 is lament
5:58 is epiphany
10:27 is acceptance

epiphany is THE BEST part and i will have no problems with dueling anyone who disagrees to the death

I am on the sidelines, yes. I do not want followed around a lot.
I do not have a close group of friends (to me at least… they may consider the group close to them but I’m kinda in so many it doesn’t mean much to me)

I am the voice of reason pretty much everywhere. I’m growing up in quite a poor area where people have their morals down and don’t believe they will get anywhere with education and do not try. So people see me as extremely smart and will follow my lead… unfortunately

British Accent I don’t excel at subjects I enjoy, I excel at every subject. I am so self centered Well except Art + P.E obviously.

And I am not a huge memer. People consider me ‘posh’ or sophisticated. When I make jokes I’ll admit they’re good.

I am a bit of a class clown. I’m really loud.



While you are reading the british accent imagine someone with hand up and eyes closed

Like Lady C listing her accomplishments

i cannot imagine someone saying “memer” in a british accent

I only get memer impression from you because like I said, when you make jokes they are pretty damn good.
And… I see, thank you. This is very interesting and I can easily believe that you are good at all subjects, especially after seeing your thought process.
You are rather sharp.

It’s really funny

would any of you believe me if i told you i’m considered the voice of reason to a lot of my friends


Trust me I am in fourth year
When I say I am good at every subject they are pretty much a cakewalk for anyone

My thought process generally comes from my ability to predict
I am still pissed I so very nearly predicted eevee having cryptography knowledge and therefore deciphering the clue to the hidden immunity idol, coming over to our base as a foreign spy and aiding my enemy


Your friends know best

just got into bed and that exact moment arete appears in thread

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i really wanna diss you rn because of a certain subject we recently talked about, but alas

This story was from forum survivor btw if you wanted to know
I started a civil war + dictatorship while I was leader of the government