Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


its mostly true

in multiple friend groups and IRL i frequently snap from being a complete clown into being a 90% serious professional

but i’ve never really felt the need to do it here or in ToL discord :eyes:



We’re pretty close to cookie.

Who thought it was ever a good idea to elect me as tribe leader

probably but also I THINK NOT

You are definitely my kind of person :^)

Yes, I was tempted to sabotage my team’s results so we could vote eachother out as well

“serious katze”

This is an oxymoron!

@Jane check discord

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KyoDaz pre election: I promise a democracy
KyoDax after election: Okay let’s work together team, all hail the Unseen!
KyoDaz near voting phase: Okay we’re passing new laws which dictate that if you have an immunity idol you must reveal it publically

Meanwhile had the immunity idol tucked away


I backstabbed practically 75% of my tribe, infiltrated every Alliance and broke my own law in the same game

I still remember when I got voted off d1
PoisonedSquid: Bye backstabber

They will never believe me when I say this exists

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Then in deathnote after Survivor Poisoned was on my team and I sold their name to Blizer for a deathnote and practically killed them
I still feel bad

All for the glory of the ‘Crown’
I never however betrayed Jane + Magnus, Aristocrats of the Crown

Really? What are some situations where you’ve needed to do that?

most common situation is if someone is like, coming to me for advice with something serious. or when someone really just needs to vent or talk to someone

sometimes i have to resolve fights between friends though, especially between a couple close friends of mine who always seem to disagree on stupid things

also whenever i play a team game i can get pretty serious. but i’m still lighthearted and joke around to cheer people up

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Oh so you’re like a leader
Why do you feel like you don’t need to be one here

i wouldn’t say im a leader

i’m just capable of being one

but i don’t think most of what i just said is “me being a leader”