Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

this one features an incredibly devious puzzle in which the pavement of my garden forms a graph that is then used to locate a book in a bookcase

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Brother katzay, are you still feeling like a katastrophe?

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thats just plain evil

if only I knew

I assume after ToS and hell in a cell ends we get something

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I lost the original tower i need to make a new one

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Be KyoDaz
Spend gold on leveling up a profession to get a mount
Realise that the mount has a 30 day limit on making it no matter what
Realise that the money you spent leveling could’ve been put towards buying the mount immediately


we good

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Please don’t tell me you are trying to make a Sky Golem.
They are dirt cheap on the AH right now.

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Sounds about right

i had a tol game that ended before day 2 ended does that count

Is it me or are those villagers being :joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat: BOXED IN :joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat:


You’ve been assimilated into the joy cats

hoes mad x24

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False, I am merely undercover.

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An Undercover Rebel I see

Peek me as scum, Amelia :^)

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/Test Loyalty Anstreim

Anstreim is a member of the Blue Dragon!

I have a redcheck on a red person.

There are no words in the universe that are more vile than this.

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