Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i wasn’t

So for my first ToL game back
I started singing Poker Face in lobby chat
Someone started saying Lady Gaga Sucks and named themselves it
I rolled Knight
They rolled Knight
The person who called themselves Lady Gaga was a Sorcerer

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I now have threats to kill me N1 in lobby chat

but assassin is unique

slaps knee


What an interesting rolelist

hey I was 12

wait someone might’ve taken my name

Saving Private Doja

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the acclaimed third installment from the producer who gave you
Saving Private Terrance
and Saving Private BT


i like making references nobody will understand

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Saving Private Ryan

Now we have someone who thinks the Prince who jailed the MM three nights in a row and confirmed a noble is worthy of a mute + report because they’re salty that they voted a confirmed noble
ok hen


nah the titles are jokes from other servers


@anon6348071 You need a fakeclaim ready quicker

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Mystic if my go-to fakeclaim, of course.


Was that not you I jailed for three nights in a row and then proceeded to execute

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I’m… Not playing the game right now?

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his ign is CultLeader and he pretty much always has a decent fakeclaim :eyes:


Oh. They have the exact same speech pattern as you.
And exact same way of how I’d imagine you being salty
Me: “You’re assassin, I have jailed you for two nights in a row and all kills are confirmed as not Unseen”
Jailed: “Well it doesn’t matter because you’re WRONG anyway”

Jailed: Flips MM

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He tried to be civil but you could just feel the anger leaking through his messages

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That is indeed correct. Well, the name part, not the fakeclaim part.

Flattery will get you nowhere kat.

Also when I’m salty I get passive-aggressive.