Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

imagine naming yourself in ToL after a class

can’t relate


Sometimes i like posts just to flex my likes

flexing over

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i always give the name i choose for a game to have a religious tone

why can’t you flex your way over to my bed bby

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Smooth tho

as you can tell
i am the queen of romance

Imagine not vouching for the great pretender

what came first, the marshal or the marshal?

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I can only aspire to be as smooth as Ami one day :^)

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Why am I not surprised?

just ask for her skincare routine :^)

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it’s a mix of innuendo and absurdity

you’ve been hit by

a smooth Italy?

a smooth craminal

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You know that Lush Dream Cream moisturizer is great

i dont think ive ever used moisturizer

my skin is used to being in a desert


My skin takes a quick trip to the sahara desert every time I get out of a hot shower
