Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Damn. I like this place.

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It’s funny how well-received the student loans are in the UK, meanwhile in the US they are borderline extortion. Or just extortion.


Just America things

total student loan debt in 2019 for all americans combined was something around 1.5 trillion

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Its like they try to make them as confusing as possible so you have no clue how to pay them off

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It’s just hard to believe how a similar concept could be so well-realized in one place, yet such a nightmare in another.

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It’s like something from a novel, except it’s real.

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we created student loans to flex on the russians
this isn’t what it was meant to become

The only good thing about public student loans is that they are forgiven upon your death :upside_down_face:

Damnit I’m gonna miss the cookie again.

health care officials have had their licenses suspended
people have been arrested by marshals for being behind on their student loans

better pay up :gun:


Also, never fuckin cosign, and never ask your loved ones/friendos to do it for you

That means you will be responsible for the debt if the other person isn’t able to pay it off

Its a trap

somebody actually referred to these companies as “financial terrorists”


they are legitimate predators who’s greed forces so many americans into living with debt


Simon is boutta hit us with some knowledge

Prepare for financial wallpost


there’s companies for this
navient is the worst of them

and the thing is, filing for bankruptcy (the normal kind of bankruptcy), which is supposed to help relieve you of debts, cant apply to student loans. you cant get out of them except to die.

the only real way to avoid them is to be lucky (and the term is lucky. this is not really a matter of skill or financial savvy at this point) to not get them in the first place

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Most of my friends are American.
My brain: go to America, meet them, maybe live with them.
Most of my friends also hate their country.
My brain: guess not??? what do