Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

navient actually double charged a disabled person once
that’s how bad they are

pay for our ticket to come live with you. similar cost to you, better results.

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I do have a fairly big house… :thinking:

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luckily, as it stands i will probably avoid student loans entirely. due to one main factor and some other smaller factors.

but i am by no means to average case. and i say that to not defend the system, not to promote myself. again its mostly luck that im in this situation

Is this where we take up eevee’s offer and just go live with him


will begin learning polish


Wait, eevee’s offering to live with him?

I thought it was the inverse and he wanted to live with us for periods of time as an america trip

Oh, that I remember.

He said if we ever wanna travel, we can stay at his place

This was old cookie thread
Its the same conversation where i became Chleb


Casually advertises Calippo without any context whatsoever.

Why are you 100% whole wheat chloe


I wanna read that.

Google translate Chleb

angry american noises


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Once i get a new apartment, anyone is free to come stay with me if they wanna visit California
(Im an hour and a half from the mountains to the east and an hour and a half from the ocean to the west)
We also have good food
But its hot as heck

my life is a lie

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America is very good at ruining things that other countries are doing just fine