Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

“Worthless connections lose their worth over time.”
“Your mom won’t let you out today, but fuck her today.”
“You shitstained sausage. Your shitty behavior stinks harder than shit.”
“It’s ADHD, Full HD, we’re giving it to trade. Lil’ trade, lil’ trade, mamma mia, mia, oh oh.” - Yes, this is a REAL LINE.
“Like a hissing fart from a non-virgin ass.”
“Left, right, back and front, wave your paw as if you stole some honey.”
“Xeroboy thinks he’s a nice faker, but he can only be compared to a shitstained shitter.”
“Dick to your gum.”
“I do these raps, I fuck these rags, and you beat your horse at home.”
“Hip hop, tip top, fucking raisins in cake.”
“Bambi the Fawn, rap isn’t like Hoop Cola.” Context: Bambi the Fawn is a popular kids’ show / fable here.
“Before you rip, fucker, suck your mom’s dick.”
“I know which way I’m going when I go forward.”
“You look like Filemon, and your blabbering’s like a condom.” Context: Filemon is a series for children from the 70s-80s. I wasn’t even alive when it aired.
“I leave dead corpses.”
“It’s my lawn, and you’re farting in the mic with jumble. What fucking shit, try to shut your ass with your nose.”
“Soft shitting, fucking a dog in a sick mouth.”
“It’ll be like heaven out there, there will be chickens.”

Most of these are so crude they are not even funny. Yeah… there’s a lot.

something something PG-13 forum

(love you Vul)

(this is definitely going to get taken out of context :angry:)

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damn ke$ha in 2020 is still milking the formula for tik tok


Lots of people below the age of 13 listen to this in here. And it’s horrible.
I’ll try to find some funny ones now.

Uh… why chickens?


can you

can you link the vid you got these from

who the fuck unironically enjoys that

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kat, can you do something for me?

i’ve heard people ~13 years old reciting some very, very… appropriate rap


You know what to do.

ever just click a link in a past post you made and then realize you rickrolled yourself



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Not a vid. Mostly just compilations on the Internet.

“I sleep up and I wake.”
“It smells of wet rain.”
“I swim in hip-hop like Titanic swims into a glacier.”
“Her toenails like the oars of a canoe.”
“Your hair looks like radishes.”
“Sharp like a sharp knife.”
“Even when I eat a kebab with her in town, it tastes like my favorite kebab.”
“'Cause of these lames we don’t eat dregs.”

I didn’t make a mistake. That’s the line.

there was a bambi movie popular in america too



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I’d argue people at 13 in this era already know everything that the guidelines of 18+ give


it really depends on how sheltered a person is and how much they’ve been exposed to