Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Cat sitting in someone’s lap? Reminds me of someone.Blofeld Cat

What about me

I hope you imagine me as the Cult Leader because while he’s about 30-40 years older than me, our complexion is pretty much the same – I’m quite lanky and pale.
Although I don’t have his luscious beard and glorious tattoos, unfortunately. Also I wasn’t bald last time I checked.

For some reason, I imagine you with long hair, and that’s about it.

You must look like one of your edgy anime girl avatars.


Interesting because I hate how fast my hair grows and I have it cut asap.
Long hair is a burden and it almost never looks good.

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Also I find it somewhat curious because you looked basically the way I imagined you would.
Same with Chloe but I also pinned her voice right.

I can finally get a haircut tomorrow, thankfully.


Well, I did say several times that I looked quite basic, and here you are.

Didn’t Chloe only share her eye?

you have good opinions :^)

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You aren’t basic, you are handsome Vulgod. Take it and run with it.

On forums, yes. But I’ve been pestering her on Discord for quite some time now.

now I’m curious what people think I look like

inconveniently I’m pretty sure most of the conversation has TMI

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Dapper as hell would be my answer.

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How about me?

Has anyone imagined what I look like here?

Some old guy in a cloak.

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I have no idea. It’s like Anstreim. You two could take a picture where you’re next to each other and I wouldn’t be able to tell which one’s which.


For some reason I picture you with a beard, unless you’re too young for that.

I’m the nerd-- oh wait

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You’d probably be able to know I’m me because I’m almost as pale as paper :^)

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I’m pale in comparison to the rest of my family. Not sure how I compare to the average person.