Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Friendly, pacifying response.

response that’s not actually a response since it’s just a continuation of what I said earlier and continues to be angry

Earlier response but phrased differently.


insert hug

insert obligatory social distancing joke

insert joke about social distancing being physical distancing

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insert fake laughter

insert random cat picture


insert explaining the joke that since a hug is a physical action that they wouldn’t be able to hug before getting mildly miffed that not everybody got the joke

insert insertion

Insert :eyes:

Insert rsz_eyes


<Bland comment beckoning people to return to the discussion about the same FM mechanics for the Nth time.>

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There’s a spider in the cookie thread
oh god oh fuck

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insert comment about how I have 1 slot left for SFoL 61

Wait I just realized
Dybudabu might join it