Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

oh god

I would make a bad joke about alts, but I feel like it would turn out awkward.

Oh God oh fuck

/Build Wall

You have no money
how will you build the wall

Okay, but… what’s the alternative?

With science.

science is a societal construct made by the gamer elite to bamboozle the masses out of meme funds


But… science.

We build a wall and have DybuDabu pay for it


bottom text

and then he proceeds to ignore our wall and scumreads our slot anyway

sometimes when i do, i just be

that’s the vibe

That’s the plan
We’re a jester who ends the game when lynched

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corOna xD


how did host actually think this was okay

I’m curious
It’s not shown in the role list

Did they post the wrong setup in the op or something?
I thought we were playing marson, the best game of all time