Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Wait… to what vendor?

I’ll need to check that.

Wait. They’ve just put the price of buying the rank 3 essences by x5

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Anstreim has good taste in themes.

Also, whenever I take a look at most other mafia communities I’m like “I’m so glad I’m playing here. We may derp a lot (pun intended), but at least things are more fun.”


I feel like there’s this tryhard culture and elitism in many other places which ruins enjoyment. Sometimes it’s specific people, sometimes it’s a whole community.

But eh, I’m just rambling.

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We also get to host setups like FoL and not have it be bastard :sunglasses:


Nah, my entire point is that many other places (and people) have this thing going where people who are “bad” are really hated and ostracized. No help is given and no tolerance is shown. Tolerance isn’t even expected. Like, if you’re “bad,” then it’s completely normal to get insulted from every direction.

I don’t think that’s very prevalent here. Maybe because we’re on the smaller side.


I see where you’re coming from though

You’re too good for this world, Vulgard

This forum would have no future if it would insult newbies for being bad (1. cuz we have rules against it, 2. cuz the forum needs the new blood, it simply cannot allow itself to tolerate toxicity against newbies 3. the percentage of decent people isn’t bad here)
Whenever I see a peaceful game here, I feel the desire again to play, but yea, can’t.

Are you referring to MafiaUniverse here, as that is the only large site that I have been to for like more then one game.

Not really.

I’ve literally just listened to a video mafia game where the player who pushed two mafia all game was insulted from every direction, despite a town win, because they made a mistake earlier in the game. And this town player was talked over by the mafia powerwolf all game. Like… wow. I was appalled.


That’s why I love irl werewolves
its just a party game
people are sitting together to have fun together

Video mafia is literally ww but with video cameras I think

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I think some of the dynamics of video mafia are different because it’s super possible to have two people typing at the same time and less possible to have two people talking at the same time

(but … obviously that doesn’t mean people should be insulting each other)

and staged

What was the mistake out of curiosity?

And the supposed mistake was that they assumed that a dead villager was mafia (the game was flipless). Allegedly they should’ve always thought that player was town. That’s… yeah.