Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

how many laws do you think are dumb

every law which is not executable.


what laws do you base your morals off of in specific?

The laws of your home country? the laws of wherever you are?

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The laws of this country

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Free southern communism

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uhhh what the fuck is that pfp exactly

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Emilia im not sure if you will be allowed to have the confederate flag with a hammer and sickle as your pfp


Mostly the country wherever I am at the moment + some other stuff like the bill of human rights + some religious laws
Aka, I respect and accept the law of the country where I am, but if they go against human rights and human dignity, these have priority.

what the fuck is this abomination hahahaha
im not sure how to feel about this

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peeks in
walks away

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cmere you

I’m probably the worst on this site regarding that, and tbh I only dislike players who clearly don’t try and just take up a slot, so I think your point is spot-on.

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you ever just
sleep for 12 hours

did you just describe twitter and most social media sites or?


video game

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uh it isn’t dead for me

switch to browser