Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

We tried

It aint going to happen
But I’ll force him to root for you

Cult Points
Of course

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we tried this too

it wasnt worth it


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Better than me trying to think of a cult alt for certain things

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Conversion was far too complicated and not enough BD abilities matched up with Cult abilities and all that

yes i actually used a random word generator for flavor
it is randomizer isn’t it

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Ban me from playing Randomizer
Its just getting stressful again


BD’s inferiority, exposed once more.

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But randomizer is designed to be stress-freeeeeeee

Yet somehow I made a cult alt for “you get souls for everyone who dies at night”

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Ban stress then

and by “stress-freeeeee” i mean a total shitshow

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ten times better than soulcatcher

Steals the souls because they literally just murder someone

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you see giving a town role semi reaper mechanics might or might not be a good idea

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Arete just to clarify, I did not lie back then. The notion is still true.

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Also I just checked
The Cult Alt doesn’t actually change the passive
We smart

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Soulcatcher best class


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