Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

remember that time where ltaly attacked Italy?
we still can’t figure out if that qualifies as suicide or homicide

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Italy csed Italy
both die
What happened?

Nothing because knights dont exist

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One Italy was a Noble, both of them were attacked.

Italy kills Knightaly with no problems, but upon discovering an alternate universe where Italy is a knight, he takes his own life.

Also in an alternate universe where I don’t make terribad ideas for town classes

Like a townie who steals the souls of the dead to power their killing abilities

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I’m not going to say anything but Occultist also exists.
Even though he isn’t really ‘town’

Wasn’t technically my idea
It’s basically the same thing as Alice’s Thaumaturge

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But that idea I mentioned
It’s real

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Yes but exploding people.

Coming soon :tm:

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N1 and N2 they pick two players
if the targets have a certain type then they get more powers
including a one shot roleblock, a one shot rolecop and a one shot vig

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Wait, are you working on another setup


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he’s making a joke about Anime FM

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Ans was referring to me

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Also poisons everyone who visits them, steals their vote and cleans their flip


Oh lmao. I didn’t realize it because you know I didn’t follow Anime FM that closely.

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what do you mean

I have no idea why people keep dying to poison

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But yeah Amelia, I want to see the stuff you are working on :eyes: