Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Both are also strong Cult converts because free Invokers are never not good, and Ritualists enable Cult to make certain plays.

The reason I see Knights openclaiming D1 is precisely because they think they will get mislynched for being a Knight.
But most of the time it’s not the Knight claim that gets you killed, it’s your logs or the way you handle yourself. So I absolutely despise those.

Nothing is worse than d1 factional invest claims though. You literally have to hope for a CW to swap them because otherwise they are really easy converts.

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do we have to discuss heresy and why knights aren’t real again

Don’t worry Italy, I was merely entertaining the idea of converting Assassins.
But unfortunately that’s not a thing :^)

But what if Unseen spawns?


Unseen can’t spawn in Cult games, dummy.

oh i was configuring shit on windows

did i get it :^)

RIP, missed the cookie because of “you’re posting too quickly.”

when you lose the cookie to somebody who might as well be on dialup internet

i mean technically yes but if you’re a knight lynched on D2 then you probably fucked up or court is dumb

actually wait nevermind
even dialup would be better

Imagine actually chasing a predetermined random number


imagine sleeping

Italy go to bed.

how dare you
i’ll have you know i got a healthy 12 hours of sleep and woke up at 6 pm

Oh. I thought you were up for over 20 hours at this point, you actually have the best possible sleeping schedule. Proceed :eyes:

good thing anstreim doesn’t know the difference between AM and PM :eyes:

Italy you fool.
Waking up at 5-6 PM is literally the dream because you get to stay up the whole night.

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Or Knight was on King n1 and cant tell any reason