Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

s u r v i v o r k i n g m a k e r n e u t s


You see, when I got Pretender my strategy was to either:
“D1 disgusting Pret here, detonate me”
or RP another invest, then stab king and reveal.

But yes, fair. I deserved death :^)

ToS 2 role suggestion thread, I think?

This is literally the part that I hate the most about ToL.

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Sounds like a terrible game
I’d never play that

My best ToL game was probably a game where I was converted night 1. Cult was so great that game. We created so much chaos during dayphases we never lynched a Cult member and we kept lynching BD, including the Prince.

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Excuse me what.

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Somewhere after the middle mark two of us counterclaimed each other for the lulz and we still lynched NK.

Iirc the Prince wasn’t talking enough, they got put to trial because “LOL SILENT PLAYER MUST BE SCUM”, then they… voted exe?

Being loud is so underrated in this game.

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Me and Kape got several times the Prince lynched by CCing him
Sometimes even on D2

How can you CC Prince when the player jailed n1 can confirm the Prince???

Like, unless you somehow know who was jailed every night, then sure, it can work.

I’ve only seen Prince getting lynched twice in all my time.
First in a troll court where he claimed but still got executed by legitimate BD.
Then in a game where he was reaped N1.

But yes, being loud helps in ToL. That’s how I bend most of the courts into following me.

I remember a game where we lynched like 3 or 4 Kings.
Good stuff.

I remember a game where we killed 3 kings and I stepped as PK right into a win.

But what about EK slamming it?

Be more princey as the real prince
Its not easy, but you can manage it
Also whispering a Knight to cs 15 (and 15 was prince lul) was fun

Force executions are different from actual trials. Obviously they don’t count.

I think we’ve elected a Cult member by then, so that probably helped.
Best scumteam I’ve ever been a part of in ToL. We were upped a couple of times but there was always a pardon.

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I literally copied prince’s logs
But added claims, made a good format, added reasoning

i love those games where everyone else just immediately understands what you’re thinking and plays along