Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


Force Executions have rights to!

The best scumteam I’ve had in ToL was the one with Kat as CL and me as a Seeker – we basically steamrolled that game while throwing our OG Newbie Ritualist under a bus.
Or arguably a game where I was N1 converted Heretic Noble who claimed Observer and won the game without ever getting checked by Inq (while my MM confirmed me).

had a n1 convert game where i flirted the prince

outed results, they got upped FAST, king slammed them

another game where i convert failed on prince and assassin instinctively claimed a scout on them

(yes, they got slammed)
and i won both those games

insert priestess crying in the distance


Don’t you know what I say about newbies, Vulgard?

They are food.

do i have to bring up the game where i bullied a newbie in a situation that was unwinnable for me to somehow win :eyes:

My favorite cult game was with SailorModSama
We were just two, but we led the court to every single mislynch every single day, and they never stopped sheeping us
It was great

Did it Involve MM using Dirty Work.

was 2 soul reaper in a 2v1 vs ek and assassin
i had to chill ek so i had no souls
i took my only opportunity and started gloating about how iMmOrTaL i was

they were so discouraged they didn’t even attack me and i successfully reaped king

Reminds me of my first ever ToL game. I was converted by a Mastermind who kept converting people, then bussing them 1 or 2 days after.
We won.

arete was there and that poor noob’s team was so angry at them

My first ever ToL game I was Princess who got converted N1, stepped with old RB for easy EK, then proceeded to force pardon MM because it was D4.
I think I just left it after I got executed because of overbearing shame.

CCing prince is my meta

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Had some really good games, me as MM, Kape as Scorned
I was claiming Pretender, and Kape disguised the real Pretender as MM

there was that game where kape was mm and i was hunter
i was so furious that game because kape was so very obviously fake and still survived the entire game
and not a single person even figured it out

i remember this game

i forgot when i was converted but i know i got to watch you die :^)

i bled them, i tried to get them killed
i killed their assassin with very clever traps
but you just can’t fix blue dragon

My best BD game was probably… as King. I upped a wolf every single day and outed NK by claim comparison.

Not exactly difficult when you take control and actually try to solve as King, but having a 0% mislynch/misvig ratio was pretty good. I kept telling people what to do and that they should sheep me.

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i actually marked the assassin to kape so i knew they weren’t real phys
then i shanked them via a very well placed mark
but nobody ever figured out kape was mm and angry italy noises