Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Tbf King is literally the second best class in the game purely because you have easier time controlling the court.
I love it.

Potato Kings are the worst.
“King point!!!”
doesn’t react
“Up King!!!”
“i guard (insert wolfy player) dont exe”
King was Blue Dragon.

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king point king point king point
butlers poison king now

…I could come back to ToL and play like DybuDabu.

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you’ve yet to see
the thrower kings

when the GK slams the prince

32123 - Number suggestion

I don’t usually get poisoned both as GK and EK.
Neither do I get lynched.

I mean, I’ve won as a solo CK with all Cult dead before purely because I was charismatic.

You underestimate my experience. A BD King voted and killed a Prince for no reason in final 5. To his credit, there was a Poss alive, but still.

8 no vote on cult
cult no vote on cult because they same faction
lynch 8 win game

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you’d be in the top .00000000001%

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high iq strats

I like how you immediately corrected yourself.

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If I see you doing that you will be on my KoS list, Vulgod :eyes:

I had so many memorable games in mind
Like the reason why I never claim Alch d1 as real Alch
I hated it cuz it seemed lazy
Then, for the first time I claimed Alch d1.
I got instantly order executed by the King. Court murdered him, but yea, that was the last time I did it ^^

can we take a moment to acknowledge the heroes who immediately tunnelbombed day 1 pretenders as sorc

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May all of them get eternal gold MVPs.

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anstreim want kill dybudabu when dybudabu hard carries town
anstreim want kill town which means he scum
/vote anstreim
caught scum

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:knight: :flashlight:


Kinda odd that those are missing.

I’m still disappointed that we don’t have faction icon emotes.
Also some of the existing ones are squished to hell.