Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

“Can” doesn’t mean “will”.
You can’t read neut scum’s mind. If Inq decides to RE Prince, then you and step up for an openly scumsiding Neutral King, it’s best to get him out without wasting a trial or Prince’s executes.

I’d argue that the statement below is a valid tell for me.

“If Vulgard wants to keep a neutral alive / is friendly to a neutral / never expresses intent to yeet the neutral, he’s likely to be a wolf who wants to take a non-BD to endgame.”

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okay but what if the neutral is [insert someone you like a lot]

Imagine liking people :^)

I have too many bad experiences made
When I played, I saw so many people throwing cuz they were too neuts out in the wrong moments
I rarely saw people throwing cuz they were too neuts in (it happened tho)

B-But I’m the Mentalist.

They’ve already said they wouldn’t care.

Anyway I don’t think OE belongs on King anyway, no matter how nice it would be.
Current King design is fine except for maybe some details.

Starting King can’t be Noot!

That’s the advantage in tol
You can talk so much you want about your metas and strats
And noone will metagame you for it

33/33/33 King spawnrates were fine, change my mind.
Also spawnrates aren’t class design.

my internet is
quite literally
cutting out every 30 seconds

this isn’t ok

shiny button

Timegate it until D5

To be fair
Starting neut king is really hard to play
There are Butlers and their shiny button

But seriously Kat, even in the old days where I outed as OG Neutral king D1 I don’t think I’ve been poisoned even once?
All it took was to say “neutrals claim now or I’ll hang you if I find you with Allies” and being active.

Back in the old days when Butler’s guilt counted for neut kings too
Haaa great times

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Also Alch Kings were immune to poison :eyes:

Arete was a neut in Virtuous and I kept being uncertain about them all game, so yeah.
Probably would’ve ended up pushing on them, but I was converted and wolf!Vulgard realized that having Arete on his side would be instrumental to a wolf victory.
I think it was actually my best wolfgame once I got converted. I got several Unseen killed and created a nightplan which gave us the highest chances of not losing to NK.