Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i dont miss this

or this

or this

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I don’t miss starting neut king. Not with the current mechanics at least


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Allies that were essentially Observer’s Peek were broken – I’m mostly glad they are gone.
Current Allies are fine.

My favorite part of the game was when Arete said that I was converted and I said “no,” then faked confusion. Arete’s reaction was priceless. “oops i outed the wolfteam to Unseen, including Duke? ahaha…”

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yeah thats what i meant

old allies bad

new allies is fine

that game goes way differently if sulit doesnt get jail exed and flips possessor like she was destined to :sob:

I’m not as fanatic anymore as I was
I stopped force pardoning Inqs on D2
But I still keep refraining from killing Fools/Scorneds in jail

time to claim fool to prince!priestess as scum and get away :sunglasses:

Fake a trollbox please

Kat you are exhibiting actually good opinions. I think you are sleep deprived.

this is doable :^)

spaghetti good

Spaghetti bad.
Steak good.

Thats why I often add " trollbox it on the king, and don’t whisper him before" :stuck_out_tongue:

steak bad

spaghetti good

But I’m the person who managed to win a game against cult only because I fingered on the Fool and got him exed

Noone expects the N9+N10 selfguards of a D3 elected mystic king OwO

Neuts out.
I played a game of ToS about a month ago for funsies and randed mafia. I basically powerwolfed all game. In final 9 we had majority with Witch. Too bad Witch decided to vote up a mafia member and execute them, after I literally claimed scum to her in a whisper because she witched me.

Would’ve been a perfect sweep otherwise.
I know it sounds like I’m gloating. But neuts out.

when you claim d1 alch and the moment day starts you get bled but immune

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often people are blinded by their own hate

She witched me and knew I was scum. I claim scum to her and vote the wagon other than the one she’s voting on. If that’s not a sign, I don’t know what is. :upside_down_face: