Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

But hey, I wasn’t mad, and I’m still not mad. I just have to find the worst neut stories so I can remain confbiased about my neut treatment.

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but thats just gamethrowing :eyes:

be really nice to vul as neut so he can’t stay biased

she claimed town to me in whispers after I claimed scum to her and said I knew she was Witch

she had mech info i was indeed scum because she had witched me earlier

In Fol20 as MM I had to kill my Warlock off
He managed to misread his class completely
Somehow he thought he’s belonging to town, and forgot to use his most important night abilities
We could have easily won together, but eh, he didn’t deserve the win anyways

It’s super easy to powerwolf in ToL/ToS though. You just have to do one thing.


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but warlock wins while dead :eyes:

That got changed later I think
His wincon was survivor+seeing BD defeated

I legitimately don’t think I’ve ever had anyone challenge me for control while being loud in ToL.
Both as Cult/Unseen/NK and BD.

It’s a bit baffling and almost makes me feel like I’m bullying people into following me.


Well, I never said it bothers me, did I now.

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fol players will have more powerful presence in tol
oh wait

I’m not a FoL player dummy :^)

Once upon a time…
I was an Alchemist. It was me, GK and Sheriff left (Sheriff who got pocketed by me all game, MM, Assa and Marshal
When MM was on stand, they said: “we have numbers!”
I had no stoneskins left. But I laughed, executed, and asked: “show me your numbers now!”
Next night unseen attacked me.
I… was deathimmune because the GK decided to guard me instead of themselves or the Sheriff.
That restored my faith in being a BD Alch in heart.

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/specvig anstreim


Italy what is your IGN in ToL? I realized I never asked you but I need to know it for reasons.
So long as you consent, of course.

this is objectively a bad play