Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


They are both equally horrendous.
The only true Cult is the one with the blood sacrifices.

eh, the cult leader buff is honestly kind of notable?

its just not nearly as big as the MM buff

1 Like

I mean, Cult hasn’t even spawned recently so I’m not surprised.

Good night friends

Keep eachother happy


fun fact
all 3 of my character choices were from games turned into animes

0 conversions
But I don’t think you did poorly.


out of all of these
this was one of them

and yes, she could literally shoot trains at people
i see zero downsides to being able to shoot trains at people

Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra

This thing scares me.

well socially we completely crushed them
we had a chokehold on the good events

cult had majority with 13 alive

then we lost because of a

technically possible in tol if the court ends up fucked up enough

3 apostles, EK and a sellsword

n e w b i e h y d r a s
It’s a cool concept for, like, hydras between experienced players and newbies. The newbies are the only ones allowed to post, but they have to write everything themselves. The other person in the hydra is there to potentially give advice instead of solving the game for the newbie.

Probably wouldn’t work in practice, but could work in theory.

i think thats similar to what happened in nfol2 but im too lazy to read and theres no spreadsheet

That sounds like an excellent way to put pressure on newbies.
Regular games would probably be better – at least that’s how I view it. The thought of being a hydra with someone experienced and having to do all the work in the thread on my own terrifies me.
I’m better off alone.

This way I only have myself to blame for my failures, after all.

this is the kind of thing i was made for vulgard