Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I set up an autoscroller on my laptop.

Give me an hour or so.

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Which is one of the reasons I said it wouldn’t work in practice.
It could work if the newbies volunteered for it. They would know what they are signing up for.

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in practice it’d work if you had the right veterans
italy kat chloe priestess arete some other peeople probably

You say “veterans” and yet two people on this list don’t belong.

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i feel so forgotten

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I totally understand you. I would die of fear and embarrassment if I were the newbie.

kat chloe priestess and arete probably understood it instantly

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what do kat, arete, chloe priestess and i all share in common

How did you even start playing, again?
I’m sure you’ve answered this question before but I don’t recall it.

I’m withholding my laughter in phonetics class.


You all exist.

we all love chloe

I’d been reading the games here and I thought I should join. I played in like… FoL 11, I think? The first game I played here was a FoL and I randed Hunter.

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i still feel forgotten


Then Alchemist!Ici helped me clear myself so I wouldn’t get mislynched. It’s a debt that remains unpaid to this day.
He kinda lied to Marl and killed him there, then spread the lie about him dying from the plague (which was a mechanic there), but that’s another thing.


i still dont get the “He died to the plague” meme

but i appreciate it because i appreciate memes

and you

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I’m familiar with “Marl died from the plague” meme.
That was one of the reasons he tried to get me into playing FMs back then.

The autoscroller is currently at 10 April of this year.

This is going to take a LONG time.